Information for Other Therapists

If you’d like to talk, therapist to therapist, get in touch

Communications from colleagues with relation to networking, referrals or questions about energy psychotherapy are very welcome.

The links below provide further information about training, networking and energy psychotherapy:


Book Recommendations

Here are three books I love and strongly encourage other therapists to read.

The Girls Within: A True Story of Triumph Over Trauma & Abuse, Gill Frost

Gill Frost’s engaging and unparalleled account of treating her Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) client using energy psychotherapy. Suitable for any and all clients to read and very reader friendly. It’s a long case study broken up into chapters, not an academic textbook. If you yourself have a complicated trauma history you may find you need to dip in slowly and skip pages or chapters which are too traumatic. Nevertheless, I highly recommend this book to give you a sense of how energy psychotherapy – not talking therapy alone - can be used to heal a wide range of trauma.

EMDR and the Energy Therapies: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Phil Mollon

A comprehensive explanation of using energy in therapy written by the “father of energy psychotherapy in the UK”.  This will give you a sense of how my colleagues and I practise energy psychotherapy including the theoretical underpinning behind our work.  Be warned, however, it’s an academic textbook and may be a bit dense for a lay person.  Start with Gill Frost’s book first and if you’re still keen, go on to this! 

Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality

From Amazon: In this updated and expanded edition of her alternative-health classic, Donna Eden shows listeners how to work with the body's energy systems to:

  • Boost vitality and stamina

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Relieve pain and common complaints such as colds and tension headaches

  • Sharpen mind and memory

  • Enhance overall health with an invigorating five-minute daily routine


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